2021/11/26 update:

add rule explain, add speed accelerate button ,slow the pace ,add 15 new event

press [space] or [e]  key to pause


This is a life simulator which you use passion ,reason, strength as your energy, throw them in the demand panel ,simply roll and see   what happens next

**Use [space] or [E] key to switch pause and continue**

All other interact use the mouse drag and click gesture, touchscreen friendly

**Game Tip**: 

some demand provide certain kinds of energy

if you reach highest level (most of them is 3), you may get some reward

if you don't fullfill or use evil energy, there may be penalty happen

The black demand panel is the boss event ,so prepare for it in advance

The difficult of this game is reduced, so no need to panic, you will survive easily

Finally thanks for playing~

Design and develop by holyevans for go-godot-jam-2

game play display:








Development log


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Nice game! Don't forget to upload it as well to gotm.io. All GoGodotJam 2 games uploaded there will get $5 extra for the event's fundraiser.

Thanks! I struggle to upload to gtom.io due to poor network connection. Here is it : energyoflife

The update makes the game so much better, became a scientist before college, then went to ollege and got another job had way too many children and survived a war

:D Had to admit I’m not a story teller

I lived up to age 28 and died due to lack of money because there was too much stuff happening and didn't know what to do.
Exactly like real life, fun and interesting.

Thanks for playing~ I’ll change the game a little easy and finish the story line, and add a accelerate button ,adjust the normal speed a little slower today

The game’s current speed is a little bit fast(because I hate to wait while debug)